Our Mission Statement:
To be a voice in Bradford County for a responsible and effective, compassionate and people-centered government.
To articulate and promote Democratic ideals and values within our communities and among our elected officials.
To increase the visibility of Democrats by participating in and supporting community, civic, and media events.
To encourage and support Democrats seeking elected offices at each level of government.
To be constant watchdogs to hold politicians of all parties accountable.

What are Democratic Ideals and Values?
Democrats are people you see in your community: at work, at church, at the store, and at the ballpark.  We come from all walks of life, but our shared beliefs and values help shape a strong state and nation where every citizen has the opportunity to succeed.

We believe in:

- Equal opportunity for all citizens
- Rewarding honest, hard work with a living wage and fair tax system
- Family values that are more than a political slogan
- Quality education that gives all citizens the opportunity to reach their potential
- Freedom from government interference in our private lives and personal  decisions
- A diverse population and the benefits derived from diversity
- Security in our homes and safety on our streets
- Separation of church and state to preserve individual freedom, as set forth in the Constitution
- A Strong United States - morally, economically, and militarily
- Laws that protect and preserve our environment, including common-sense reforms for cleaner and safer air and water
- An honest and open government that is accountable to the American people
- Providing affordable and quality healthcare to all Americans

Democratic Agenda – Version 3